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Posts related to ‘Productivity management’

November 21, 2022
Dr. Paul Peak
vice president, clinical pharmacy
The dopamine detox trend: reconnecting by disconnecting

Every 10 to 12 minutes. That’s how often we, on average, reach out to grab our smartphones each day. Whether we do so consciously or subconsciously, it equates to between 80 and 110 daily touches of our devices. Smartphones have transformed the way w…

November 21, 2022 by Dr. Paul Peak, vice president, clinical pharmacy
November 10, 2022
Rosemarie McMorris-Alexander, claims operations manager
Finding balance for employees and improving productivity

The pandemic encouraged many workers to reconsider their priorities and attitudes toward their professional and personal lives. As a result, employers were given a unique opportunity to gain insights about how to support their employees. Across indus…

November 10, 2022 by Rosemarie McMorris-Alexander, claims operations manager
April 20, 2017
Dave North
executive chairman
RIMS 2017: Welcome to the Wellness ZENter

I have been coming to RIMS for over 20 years and it never grows old. I remain as excited this year as I did the first time I attended. Again I can say rapid changes are happening in our industry, especially in the area of technology. At Sedgwick…

April 20, 2017 by Dave North, executive chairman
February 17, 2017
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Health Affairs, The Work/Health Relationship Recap

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal addressing health, health policy and health care - including cost, quality and access. Since the early 1980s, health research published in the journal has been used to shape policy nationally. To my…

February 17, 2017 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
April 11, 2016
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Why mental health, why RIMS 2016?

Today I have the fortunate opportunity to present at RIMS 2016 with Scott Daniels, Director of Disability, Comcast on the topic of Achieving balance: Managing mental health and stress-related issues in the workplace. Mental illness is a leading cause…

April 11, 2016 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
September 30, 2015
Stephanie Simpson, SVP, Disability & Absence Management Practice & Compliance
Does your family and medical leave policy need a domestic partner re-evaluation?

It’s that time when human resources professionals and legal counsel review employment policies for the upcoming year, and this year there are new challenges impacting family and medical leave. The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Obergefell v. …

September 30, 2015 by Stephanie Simpson, SVP, Disability & Absence Management Practice & Compliance
April 26, 2015
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Creating a culture of health

Communities and companies alike are on a mission to create a culture of health. Obesity, chronic disease and diabetes management have long been a wellness focus for employers. 25 years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed and its inten…

April 26, 2015 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
January 30, 2015
Mathew Cooper, Senior Investigator, Unified Investigations & Sciences
E-cigarettes: Emerging fire hazard?

As employers and individuals look for alternatives to smoking tobacco, the use of e-cigarettes is on the rise. Unified Investigations & Sciences, part of Sedgwick’s family of companies, recently took a closer look at the emerging risks associated wit…

January 30, 2015 by Mathew Cooper, Senior Investigator, Unified Investigations & Sciences
January 27, 2015
Dave North
executive chairman
5 factors for fifteen

Sedgwick forecasts top risk and productivity management trends As the leading global provider of technology-enabled claims and productivity management solutions, Sedgwick helps clients prepare for difficult changes, look for new ways to control co…

January 27, 2015 by Dave North, executive chairman
December 11, 2014
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Carter Symposium: Opportunities for transforming mental health care

Recently I was honored with an invitation from Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter to attend her 30th Annual Symposium on Mental Health Policy at the Carter Center. The two-day event was a celebration of past accomplishments and brought together health…

December 11, 2014 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
November 26, 2014
Daniel Gerke, Project Manager, Implementations, PMP
Change is difficult: 3 ways to increase positive perception

Change is part of everything we do and the way we go about implementing change can have a tremendous impact on how change is received and accepted by those directly and indirectly affected. At Sedgwick, one of our core values is to embrace change. …

November 26, 2014 by Daniel Gerke, Project Manager, Implementations, PMP
July 23, 2014
Desiree Tolbert
AVP National Technical Compliance
Employee stress and mental health issues – what are employers’ obligations?

Stress in the workplace is a public health issue that the World Health Organization called the “health epidemic of the 21st century.” According to the 2013 Stress in the Workplace national survey by the American Psychological Association, 65% of U.S…

July 23, 2014 by Desiree Tolbert, AVP National Technical Compliance
June 25, 2014
Denise Fleury, SVP Disability and Absence Management
Stress, mental health issues and workplace injuries and illnesses – a look at the impact

The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) research paper on Stress in the workplace highlights the costly impact of stress and mental health issues on workplace injuries and illness, including higher risk of injury, medical treatment, lost time f…

June 25, 2014 by Denise Fleury, SVP Disability and Absence Management
May 29, 2014
Employee stress and mental health issues – what are they costing your business?

$317.5 billion – it’s a figure that gets employers to sit up and take notice. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is the total for direct and indirect costs of treating mental health disorders annually. Numbers l…

May 29, 2014
April 28, 2014
Why employers need to pay more attention to stressed-out employees

Over the past few years, awareness has grown significantly about stress in the workplace. Ask any employee – at any company – and at any position if they have ever felt stressed on the job and they will tell you unequivocally, "yes." In fact, it's s…

April 28, 2014
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End of results.